
knitting and the life I almost have around it

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

out of my hands

So the whole uni thing is.. well. It has been a drama, but at this point i've handed everything in and all i can do is hope to pass.. and then i'll have my degree.
This is a deeply strange concept for me. and I'm not as thrilled as ought to be, partially because i have a sneaking suspiscion that the universe isnt done screwing with me and so i may not pass.. and also because it's only been about 6 hours since i handed in my last piece of work and it hasnt caught up to me yet. But Monkey and i have some alcohol and some thai food coming and i'm rewarding myself by knitting my silk shawl. so it will come.

Those sweetpeas that has me guessing have finally come clean; pink, lavender and deep pink. they are very pretty and i love the scent.
This is one of the roses i planted a few months ago, it was really just a stick in the ground a month ago. I believe it's calle Friesia (which seems a little odd). i think of it as candlelabra because the buds and eventual flowers are very long and very yellow indeed. can't wait for it to open properly.
Oh and tonights dessert. Can't tell you how glad i am i worked so hard on the garden this winter, it's really paying off. which seems to sort of be mirroring my career now doesnt it?

Peace out,
Ms Spider xo

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  • At October 30, 2007 10:22 pm, Blogger Michelle said…

    Finishing is very surreal. I was the same when I finished my degree, only my comedown was hard as I'd had to do 18 months worth of credits in 6 months to graduate (cos silly me dropped out of my B.Ed. to do a B.A and we all know those B.Ed credits count for nothing)

    It was lovely to see a friendly face at lunchtime today - and thanks again for the yarn offer.

    Now, go and enjoy your non-uni time!

  • At October 30, 2007 11:46 pm, Blogger AR said…

    Oh, pretty flowers! And yummy looking strawberries. It's been so cold here ~ sob!

  • At October 31, 2007 1:41 am, Blogger Laura.Y said…

    Oh yes, very pretty flowers. Love it when spring is here. I can't believe u spun all that cashmere! Lovelies.

  • At October 31, 2007 11:50 am, Blogger TinkingBell said…

    Well done - champers all round - now the wating begins.....
    Love the first strawberries!

  • At October 31, 2007 12:02 pm, Blogger Denise said…

    Congrats on getting that last piece in - finishing something as major as a degree can often leave you feeling pretty flat, I've seen it happen time and time again. Hope the results are better than expected, and that all your Uni days are "Owe-vah" (as they say on Iron Chef)!

    Love your garden, you've got every right to be proud!

  • At October 31, 2007 11:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is all a bit anti-climactic isn't it?? I am glad you have something happy to keep your mind a bit occupied!! Lovely spinning, beautiful flowers, I love Just Joey. We have Woolmers about 30 minutes away and they are The Rosarian place, Australian roses of all shapes and sizes and they have a long arched arbour totally covered in JJ. The smell is divine!!!


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