
knitting and the life I almost have around it

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Prehistoric Knitwear

Don't ask me how it happened, but i currently have on the needles a sweater. A sweater for a dog. A sweater for a dog who thinks he's a dinosaur. That's right folks, it's the Dogosaurus Rex coat from Patons.
Again, no idea how this happened.
Except, i may have been swayed by tales of a certain dog of TODs waking up in the morning surrounded by a ring of frost...
oh well, you can never have too much green, can you?

100 pages of Crime and Punishment to go! Hoorah! And you will all be pleased to note that Fear and Trembling is no longer on my reading list for this semester. Of course, it would have been more usefull to know this BEFORE i had bought the book, but i'm sure i'll get around to it. someday.

Fear me, you may one day become me...


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