
knitting and the life I almost have around it

Thursday, June 12, 2008

lots of pics and words - beware!

I am having a strange week. I think the long weekend threw me out a bit. and I may not have quite adjusted to the new bus timetable.
All i want to do is sleep. Monkey keeps teasing me because i fall asleep on the couch, in the car, and according to him 8 oclock is way too early for a self-respecting twenty-something to be in pjs. I can't help it! I think I've lost a little weight too. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Sure, there are some jiggley bits around my middle that i would happily send far far away, but having bits of me depart without warning is fairly... disturbing.
It's probably because when i was a little younger, weight loss was sudden and scary and really hard to stop. i mean i literally lost 8 kilos in a week and i was eating properly... it was weird. and this isnt that - it's probably just the side-effects of working my arse off (literally). but it makes me a little edgy.
and i realise this is totally mental to everyone who heard me complain about gaining weight in the last year or so. Hey, i never pretended i was rational!

I've been a bad blogger too. i cant say quite where the ennui is coming from. I love being able to just vent. i think it's partially ravelry consuming my web hours and making me forget to mention FOs (or even WIPs come to think of it).
there have been a few in the last couple of weeks.
My Mobius Wrap. I wore it to work today and it's ideal - keeps shoulders warm without crowding your arms. it was a total mind-f**k to work out but it only hurt my brain when i tried to think too hard about what i was doing. i dont think i quite understand how the cast-on twists... but it does and so i dont really need to fret too much. I used alternate rows/rounds of two of my hand-painted 8plys (Hydrangea and Wakame)
Another baby surprise jacket. In my fruit tingle colourway. Catherine at work admired the other one I made but her baby is too big for it and I am apparently the worlds biggest sucker. Luckily (ish) the new bus timetable doubles my morning travels so i do get a good deal of knitting time. Still looking for the perfect buttons, might have to wait until Saturday.
What else?
Did i mention that i finally finished the socks for Monkey's Mum? I shouldnt still care but she only got them today so they've been glaring at me for a while.
I started a new cardi in Cleckheaton Country 8ply (and a bit of woolbale where i needed the colours). It's Kaffe Fasset's Floral Jacket from the most recent Vogue Knitting. (this pic is a bit out of date now but you get the idea) It's pretty and I've deliberately gone with a base of Navy because i suspect it will be a little old for me. And my mum LOVES this kind of thing. and her current navy cardigan is... huge. a great big sack that swallows my little midget mother whole. So a cute, retro, slightly fitted one wouldnt hurt. (no promises though - might love it and that would be another matter. at this point it's a process joy rather than a race to the product).
Monkey's little sister turns 16 next week and I am halfway through a pair of endpaper mitts for her. I'm quite enamoured of the one i've produced already - grignasco bambi is such a lovely yarn! She chose the colours and shows definite skill in this area - perhaps i should give her some needles and the leftover yarn as well?
Oh and i did a trade via ravelry which resulted in my having a large quantity of Cleckheaton Merino Spun in the best blue. So I'm making Francis Revisited (rav download). it's such a nice yarn :) too big for bus knitting though. I just want to make a nest out of it and sleep (again with the sleep!)

I just turned around to see Monty climbing around on the top of the couch back. He quickly jumped down and pretended to be merely seat-theiving but we know the truth. Little acrobat. Now he's licking the arm of my couch rather diligently (I wonder what delicious substance I spilt there? He refuses to let me in on the secret and I refuse to lick the couch so i guess we are at an impasse)

This reminds me that the little terrors need to be put to bed and so do I.
Friday tomorrow! Thank Gawd! I think i feel a hackneyed phrase coming on... no, it passed.

Peace out,
Ms Spider xo

PS. Hi Caleb. Have you finished your journals yet?

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  • At June 12, 2008 11:26 pm, Blogger m1k1 said…

    what a fantastic array of finished items. you must be able to knit in your sleep, then! beautiful

  • At June 12, 2008 11:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So many beautiful things!! I love the moebius wrap and am in awe of the Floral Jacket. I don't recommend licking the arm of the couch- I have the same "I don't know what you are licking" problem with The Labradors!!!

  • At June 13, 2008 6:17 pm, Blogger Trudi said…

    Love the moebius wrap, can you share the secret? I am also curious to know where you got the frame thing I have seen on your blog with stuff blocking on it. I can see how handy it would be to dry woolen things

  • At June 14, 2008 7:25 am, Blogger Rachel said…

    I had that sort of weight loss thing once and it turned out to be emotional stress but I was too stressed to know what it was at the time! These days I just wake up before 5am like this morning. Aggghhh! Got any holidays planned soon?!

    Lovely work, by the way. Take care of yourself.

  • At June 14, 2008 11:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOOOOOOOOOT, I have finished them Miss Spider:P:), and suggest to Mr d, top buy new books and better books:P:)and that novel was so boring:P:). tell those rabbits to either tell you what they are licking or you could hire me to lick it and find out what it is:P:)

  • At June 14, 2008 11:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOOOOOOOOOT, I have finished them Miss Spider:P:), and suggest to Mr d, top buy new books and better books:P:)and that novel was so boring:P:). tell those rabbits to either tell you what they are licking or you could hire me to lick it and find out what it is:P:), does this mean i can knit in class now?

  • At June 14, 2008 3:32 pm, Blogger TinkingBell said…

    What gorgeous items and so beautiful! You are a clever cookie and deserve a special rabbity hug!


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