...and that's a wrap, folks.
Finished her yesterday night while watching House (yes, that was an irrelevant detail) and the photos can be explained like this: the slightly grimier shot was taken by he that is stinky last night. He has rather a shaky hand for a 17 year old ( i attribute this to many things but will spare you in the interest of brevity) and this was the only half decent shot to come out of the whole shebang. I have used in in the interests of showing more flattering (smudgey) lighting. Also, my other photos are freaking blogger out for no apparent reason, so i must reshoot them. Damn.
My apologies if i look a little unimpressed... it's been a long week and my face just looks like that anyway :P
As luck would have it, after a week of 20 degree springy days, today was a windy 14. So i did have to wear a jacket over my wrap, which was slightly disapointing. This is the sort of wrap that should be thrown over a floaty and romantic summery frock, and as soon as i get one and it warms up a bit i'll post some new pics.
In business news (?), i gave my presentation today and got a Distinction. Can't argue with that now can you? Particularly considering i did it the night before :P. now i get to try the same trick with my psych essay (shudder). Have done a fair bit of reading, but the proof of the essay's in the eating (or so they say).
Back to the jacket. I know that there are women in this world who are far more attractive than i am, but in this jacket it doesn't feel that way.
Sing with me "i feel pretteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"