I have a hormone induced need to start a new project.
i'm craving some lace weight, something totally impossible like an heirloom baby shawl (why, WHY?). I dont have a baby, I dont plan to have a baby any time soon and I'm sure I would cry myself to sleep every night if i tried anything as crippling as a baby shawl. particularly an heirloom one. Also, they're white! they're fragile! babies are messy and damage-y! i know all these things yet am still craving.
so, stole size Clapotis it is.
I know I know. My conscience is biting me.
Dear Spider,
Just thought I would drop you a line to let you know I think you're a lunatic. You have a long sleeved shrug to finish by the 10th. Yes, I realise Gypsy's birthday is not until the 21st, but that is not a valid excuse! that's only three days before christmas! and you have a scarf and a pair of sock to finish by then!
I realise the variegated silk has been taunting you from the stash basket, and you finally realised what it must become, but this is not the time!! It's your hormones talking girl! Honestly, a few pieces of chocolate and a hot water bottle and you go right off the deep end.
Breathe, focus, put down the needles, step away from the silk.
Ever yours,
Jiminy Cricket
PS. Yes, I did think it was funny that when you muttered "I'll need 5mm needles" to yourself your mother said "oh, dont you have any?". So, have you decided which one of your 9 pairs you'll use?
Yes well. At least it's one of those things you can stop and start because it wont go out of style and... yes i'm making excuses. i will make my deadlines, i just need to cast on right now. thankyou for your time. As soon as a 12 step program is developed, I'll join.